Sam Heughan: Six years of bullying don't leave him without a trace

Anyone who is in the public eye is almost inevitably the target of hostility on the Internet. Sam Heughan (39, "Outlander") has had a particularly hard time in recent years. Now he's talking about it for the first time. In the past six years he has been the target of "bullying, harassment, stalking and defamation", as the actor reports on Twitter. He didn't know what to do, was upset and hurt, and now he had to talk about it.

But that's not all: Not only his life and state of mind are affected. In addition to him, his colleagues, friends and family are also affected. In addition to personal insults, there were also death threats against him and others. Private information was also shared. "I never talked about it because I believe in humanity and I always hoped these tyrants would just go away at some point," explains Heughan. These included teachers, psychologists and other adult people.

He pays attention to the Corona recommendations!

Lately, the actor has been wrongly accused, among other things, of manipulating and exploiting fans, of being hidden homosexual, or of ignoring the recommendations in times of the Corona crisis. "I didn't do any of that. I'm a normal guy and not like the characters I play," Heughan continues.

The 39-year-old Briton is currently self-isolating in Hawaii. On the advice of his loved ones, he decided to stay there. "It was a good decision," said Heughan, who doesn't want to take the risk of taking three to five flights just to get stuck in the city at home in the UK. He writes: "This would only increase the risk for me and others." He was last ill for three months, which is why he was doubly careful.

Now he didn't want to accept the situation anymore. Heughan wants to block anyone who spreads falsehood or insults him on social media. Finally, however, he would like to thank his fans who supported him and his work. "I am deeply grateful for this," explains Heughan. "Stay safe and please be kind to yourself and others. There is so much more important that we should be concerned about."