Samsung fails in beauty by promoting one of its Android applications on … iPhone

Merouan Goumiri

June 11, 2022 at 7:45 p.m.



© Pierre Crochart for Clubic

In the marvelous world of communication, it sometimes happens that certain manufacturers commit “dumplings”. Well, precisely, Samsung has just (again) made a great one.

Samsung used an iPhone model in one of its advertisements and it obviously didn’t go unnoticed.

When Samsung promotes Apple again…

For many years, Samsung and Apple have been waging a fierce battle in the smartphone galaxy. But sometimes competitors unwittingly advertise themselves. New example today with what happened just a few hours ago on the Samsung side.

In order to promote its products within its Samsung Members application, the Korean manufacturer has shared a promotional banner. Except that it presented an iPhone model and not a device of the brand (we can see the notch specific to the iPhone for a few years now). An error without serious consequences but which inevitably makes you smile.

Banner Samsung © © Samsung

© Samsung

Here’s what a Samsung moderation manager said, confirming that this was a nasty mistake: Hello, this is the Galaxy Store. The person responsible made an error in the process of modifying the design source file. The banner image will be changed and replaced today. Thank you for your interest in the Galaxy service. We will try to provide better service “.

As a reminder, this is not the first time that Samsung has made a mistake of this type. Indeed, during the promotion of the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, the South Korean had notably posted messages on Twitter from… Apple smartphones. Anyway, the manufacturer has since replaced the banner model with one of its house phones.

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Sources: Phone Arena, SamMobile

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