Samsung phones: pixel madness hasn’t even really started yet

108 MP is already too much for you? Samsung hasn’t even really started yet. (Image source: GIGA)

In recent years, the megapixels for smartphone cameras have skyrocketed again. Especially in the Android sector, large numbers such as 108 MP cameras are often advertised. The first smartphones with 200 MP cameras will soon appear. But the pixel madness doesn’t stop there.


Samsung is working on 450 MP camera

Samsung introduced a 200 MP camera some time ago. However, the first generation did not find any buyers. Not even Samsung has installed the camera, but has stayed with the 108 MP camera. However, Motorola will soon be introducing a 200 MP smartphone, which will trump the competition in terms of the number of pixels. But that’s not the end of it. Samsung is said to be already working on a 450 MP camera (Source: Galaxy Club).

Samsung has the Designation “Hexa²pixel” secured in Korea and Europe. Although there is no connection to smartphone cameras at first glance, it can be deduced from the name. 32 pixels are to be combined into one pixel in order to improve the image quality when taking photos. This would result in a resolution of 450 MP. Of course, this is still a bit of speculation at the moment, but Samsung has already built 200 MP cameras and a 450 MP camera would theoretically also be possible.

This is what the new 200 MP camera from Samsung can do:

Samsung shows what the 200 MP camera for smartphones can do

Does this improve the picture quality?

That is the big question that cannot be answered in general terms. 108 MP cameras are better than lower-resolution cameras in terms of sharpness, but they also have difficulties in some situations. Especially if you photograph objects relatively close. How it will be with the 200 MP camera will have to be seen after the launch of the Motorola cell phone. 450 MP phones are in a completely different league. For example, Xiaomi once again opted for a 50 MP camera for the 12S Ultra in order to improve the image quality compared to the predecessor with a 108 MP camera. So more is not always better. Nevertheless, we are curious to see what will become of the “Hexa²pixel”.

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