Samsung wants to improve sound quality by changing the speaker design

Samsung is currently working on improving the sound quality of its next high-end Galaxy S24 Ultra, and this is likely to happen thanks to a change in the device’s design.

Galaxy S24 Ultra 3D
Credit: Ice Universe

A few weeks ago now, the famous leaker OnLeaks revealed in advance the design of Samsung’s next Galaxy S24 Ultra. The appearance of the device will be almost identical to the previous generation, but we should still find some fairly discreet changes, but which could well have a fairly significant impact on performance.

Leaker Ice Universe has just revealed a new 3D rendering of Samsung’s next high-end smartphone, and in passing reveals that Samsung will change the design of the speaker on the lower edge of the smartphone. Rather than having a speaker hidden behind perforations, the Korean giant will this time opt for a long open strip.

Also read – Galaxy S24: here are the colors of Samsung’s next smartphones

The Galaxy S24 Ultra speaker will get a new design

Using speaker holes can make the device look cleaner and more streamlined. They also help the smartphone to be more water and dust resistant because there are fewer exposed components that can be damaged by water. However, using speaker holes can cause technical problems, such as maintaining audio quality and ensuring that the sound is not muffled.

By using a long open strip rather than perforations, Samsung could therefore improve the sound quality of the Galaxy S24. By removing the different orificesthe sound coming out of the speakers will no longer be blocked, and may therefore appear louder than before. Obviously, sound power is not always synonymous with quality, but it is still one of the important characteristics on a smartphone.

Note also that this will not be the first time that Samsung has opted for such a solution. The Galaxy S9 had already adopted this open speaker rather than hidden behind perforations. It now remains to be seen whether or not Samsung also plans to improve the quality of the speaker located at the top of its smartphone, in order to balance the device’s audio when using the stereo system.

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