Samsung wants to switch Google for Bing on its smartphones… but can it?

Stephane Ficca

Hardware & gaming specialist

April 19, 2023 at 9:50 a.m.


Samsung Galaxy S23 / S23 + © © Marc Mitrani for Clubic

© Clubic

At the end of last week, we learned of Google’s projects concerning in-house artificial intelligence.

At Samsung, we would have recently considered abandoning the Google search engine in favor of Bing, but leaving Google is not easy…

Bing instead of Google at Samsung?

It’s been a few weeks since the Bing search engine, signed Microsoft, resurfaced. Indeed, if the latter had until now a very relative success, Microsoft’s progress in AI has put Bing back in the spotlight.

On the side of Google, we also have a vast project to come concerning AI (with the Magi project), but the New York Times mentioned the possibility for Samsung to abandon Google… in favor of Bing.

Google Bing © Shutterstock

© Shutterstock

Indeed, if the Google search engine has been installed by default on the Korean giant’s smartphones for a dozen years now, Samsung would have considered replacing Google with Bing, and its new features in terms of AI. The contract that binds Samsung to Google would represent a turnover of 3 billion dollars (for Google).

Samsung finally tied up with Google

For Google, seeing Samsung migrate to Microsoft’s side is not an option, but according to new elements, reported by Andreas Proschofsky, Samsung would actually be “linked to Google”, and could not leave the latter… under penalty of losing (very big.

According to the journalist: Android manufacturers must sign an agreement called Mobile Application Distribution Agreement (MADA) if they want to obtain a license to use the Play Store and other Google applications. This same agreement would include a number of rules… including the obligation to use Google Search by default (in certain markets, including the United States).

Also, replacing Google Search with another search engine could prevent Samsung from benefiting from many other Google tools, starting with Google Maps or Gmail, not to mention the Google Play store.

Also according to Andreas Proschofsky, Samsung would have other means to put pressure on Google, but it will probably be necessary to find something other than the Microsoft Bing threat.

Source : Neowin

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