Samsung will fix the dull screen “bug”, here’s how

If you also find that the colors displayed on the screen of your Galaxy S24 are a little pale, rejoice. Samsung has heard you and will soon offer a solution to fix this.

The Galaxy S24 Ultra is the smartphone of all superlatives. Of the top performance, an extraordinary screen, foolproof solidity… It is undeniable that Samsung took care of its formula before releasing its latest high-end smartphone. However, some users quickly report a problem with screen. Nothing as bad as the infamous green and white lines that Samsung thankfully doesn’t want to hear about. These are the colors which for many people are dull. Understand: compared to previous models.

If you have a Samsung mobile, you are used to seeing rather saturated shades. The display mode is generally Lively by default, the Natural closer to what the human eye sees. On the Galaxy S24 Ultra, however, even the first choice seems a little pale. The report is circulating on the Internet and some say it’s a bug. But Samsung denies: it’s completely intentional. The firm chose to reduce the color saturation a little in order to get closer to a more realistic rendering. However, she does not forget the disappointed and will soon propose a solution.

Here’s how Samsung will fix the dull color “bug” on the Galaxy S24

It’s the famous leaker Ice Universe who spills the beans. A future Galaxy S24 firmware update will introduce a cursor called “Vividness“. The translation could be “Intensity” Or “Saturation” at home, but it’s not safe. By not touching anything, you have the current rendering of the S24. By pushing it up a notch, the display gets closer to that of the Galaxy S23 Ultra. Increase it further and you more or less get the colors of the S21 Ultra.

The solution has the merit of being simple and giving the user the choice through 3 distinct options. Samsung has not communicated a deployment date, but it is likely that the new slider will be included in an update including various bug fixes and performance improvements. You will therefore have to wait until it is ready.

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