Samsung will give the Galaxy Watches a better health feature than the Apple Watch

Samsung is said to have filed a new patent application which, if granted, will allow it to equip its connected watches with a feature already offered on the Apple Watch.

The USPTO would have received a interesting patent application from Samsung. The Asian giant would have invented a technology that measures calories burned more precisely than anything currently on the market. While the Apple Watch makes a fairly accurate estimate of how many calories you’re burning based on data collected by its sensors about your physical activity and heart rate, US Patent 11,653,836 B2 will measure your exact calorie consumption.

To read – Galaxy Watch: Samsung could soon integrate a video projector into its connected watches

To do this, the watch would be equipped with a ” spectroscope which would emit a light source in the infrared frequencies into the skin of the user”. After having reached the biological tissues, the light would return to the surface of the dermis, modified. The spectroscope would pick up this new light spectrum, and send it to the processor. This technology should especially benefit the Galaxy WatchSamsung’s connected watches.

The Galaxy Watches will measure your calorie consumption very precisely

Will we see this invention in the Galaxy Watch 6 ? Will it be enough to convince potential customers to buy a Samsung connected watch rather than Apple’s product? Nothing is less certain, because in a sector of smartwatches yet in strong growth, the domination of the Apple Watch is overwhelming. The Californian product offers features and health services that are still unmatched. We no longer count the number of stories relating the how an Apple Watch saved your life of its carrier.

To read – Apple Watch saves owner’s life by detecting rare tumor on her heart

The Galaxy Watches cannot (yet) boast of such prowess. The precise measurement of the number of calories, however, could please users who don’t want to lock themselves into Apple’s ecosystem. We’ll find out more at the Galaxy Watch 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 5 and Z Fold 5 presentation event on July 26.

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