Samuel Finzi: Why he scattered his first wife's ashes in the sea

Samuel Finzi (54, "Kokowääh") is a real all-rounder: theater stage, cinema screen, TV screen – the actor is at home in any format. His adopted home is Berlin. There he also met his first wife, Dimitra. The wedding followed only a few months later, as Finzi now tells in an interview with the magazine "Bunte". "It was a pragmatic decision. I should have left the country as a Bulgarian without a German passport."

Love went too early

Finzi and his Dimitra were married for 14 years. Then the actor's wife "changed character". The diagnosis: brain tumor. Dimitra died at the age of 39 – 20 hours after receiving the diagnosis, Finzi says. There is no grave. "For me, the cemetery is the last place where I think about a loved one," said the actor. He prefers to stick to "a picture or a memory". He had scattered the ashes of his late wife in the sea.

Meanwhile Finzi, who was last seen with Til Schweiger (56) in "The Wedding", has a new woman at his side. Partner Sorrel Jardine, a French casting director, gave him two children.