The Sandman series, available on Netflix, is centered on Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams. As a member of the Endless, he’s been around for ages, but exactly how old is he?
This is an intriguing question! How old can Dream or Morpheus (Tom Sturridge) be in Sandman? Although human-looking, tall, pale and emaciated with a style that oscillates between gothic and emo, Dream is an anthropomorphic personification of a concept. He was born shortly after the creation of the universe and the first living beings capable of dreaming.
So Dream is billions of years old! Like the rest of the Endless, he is somehow doomed to exist until the extinction of the last living things in the universe. When no one is able to dream anymore, Dream thinks he will cease to exist.
However, even though his existence is as long as the universe itself, Dream is not omniscient and he is far from perfect. He is a fallible being who has made mistakes before and made enemies throughout his incredible existence.
How old are the Endless?
Dream is the third member of the Endless family among Destiny (Destiny), Death (Death), Destruction (Destruction), Desire (Desire, played by Mason Alexander Park), Despair (Despair, played by Donna Preston) and Delirium (Delirium). In the comics, the Endless are revealed to be the children of Time and Night.
Since the Endless were created shortly after the creation of the universe, they are all billions of years old. Dream’s younger siblings were born just after the life forms of the universe were able to cause destruction, desire, despair, or delirium.