Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman: Reunion as “The Magic Sisters”?

Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman
Reunion as “Magic Sisters”?

Sandra Bullock (l.) and Nicole Kidman in “Magic Sisters” in 1998.

© imago/United Archives

The “Magic Sisters” Gillian and Sally Owens are returning. Warner Bros. has announced that a sequel to the fantasy comedy is in the works. “It’s official! Magic Sisters 2 is in development and coming soon,” wrote the production company on X.

However, it has not yet been said whether Sandra Bullock (59) and Nicole Kidman (56) will return in their roles as the magically gifted sisters. According to industry magazines such as “Variety” The two stars are at least in talks for a role. According to US media, the women could also produce the sequel.

But one thing is certain: Akiva Goldsman (61) will write the script for “Enchanted Sisters 2”. The author, who won the Oscar for “A Beautiful Mind” in 2002, was already involved in the script of the original from 1998. It was based on the novel “In the Witch’s House” by Alice Hoffman (72) from 1995.

That’s what “The Magic Sisters” from 1998 was about

In “Sisters of Magic,” Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman played the dissimilar Owens sisters. They come from a family that not only masters the art of white magic, but has also been cursed for centuries. Any man who falls in love with a woman from the Owens clan dies an unnatural death.

Sally, played by Sandra Bullock, vows never to fall in love, while Kidman’s Gillian wishes for a man despite the curse. One day, the sisters involuntarily kill Gillian’s violent boyfriend Jimmy. But his spirit does not give up so easily.

Critics reacted rather negatively to “The Magic Sisters” 26 years ago. Nevertheless, the fantasy comedy developed into a small cult film that fans regularly watch at Halloween.

2019 series project failed

The Owens’ cinematic comeback is not the first attempt to expand the universe of “Magic Sisters”. In 2019, HBO Max planned a prequel series set in the 1960s. Bullock and Kidman would not have appeared in it. But the project fell through.

Late sequels to films that are 20 years old or older are currently in vogue after the success of “Top Gun: Maverick”. For example, “Freaky Friday” from 2003 is set to get a sequel with the original stars Jamie Lee Curtis (65) and Lindsay Lohan (37). Eddie Murphy (63) is returning as “Beverly Hills Cop” after a long break.


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