Sandrine before Rousseau, the deconstructed moderate

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INVESTIGATION. The political career of the ecofeminist leader only took off after her belated conversion to radicalism. Back to a political construction.

By Clement PetreaultMichel Revol, Erwan Seznec and Emilie Trevert

Reading time: 14 mins

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Iuseless to insist, she regrets nothing, “absolutely nothing”. After having publicly accused the deputy EELV Julien Bayou of psychological violence against his ex-companion, on September 19, Sandrine Rousseau assumes his words, his methods and his radicalism. It is in the name, she says, of “transparency” that she has sown chaos in her own party, pushing the national secretary to resign from office.

Opaque internal investigation methods, a “victim” who had refused to testify until then, an “accused” who could not defend himself… Whatever. The one who thinks she is the only one who can embody the #MeToo movement in politics (Marlène Schiappa does not count in her eyes, not having been a victim herself) does not bother with this kind of detail. “Sandrine doesn’t…

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