Sandrine Rousseau divorced: what do we know about her companion? : Current Woman Le MAG

It was in the early 2000s that Sandrine Rousseau joined the Greens party. Over time, the elected environmentalist got involved in politics. Side heart, and for several years, she was married to the economist François-Xavier Devetter. The couple gave birth to three children. A few years later, they went their separate ways and divorced. Since 2021, the founder of the Parler association has found love with a mysterious man. In the columns of Gala, on June 13, 2023, the activist confided without filter on her career in politics, but also on her private life. The current member of the 9th constituency of Paris was full of praise for her beloved and admitted to living a healthy romantic relationship. “With him, there is no power relationship. Never. He is not in permanent judgment on my actions. I felt good right away”she said.

Sandrine Rousseau wishes to remain discreet about her relationship

In this interview with Gala, Sandrine Rousseau has shared her secret to carry out this romantic relationship. Indeed, the former deputy secretary of Europe Ecology Les Verts is very discreet about her life as a couple and rarely goes out into the public space. “When we go to the theater, we meet inside the room. It’s very good. We don’t take the subway together, and that’s okay. We’ve totally adapted”, she clarified. This loving relationship preserved from the media scene, corresponds very well to the expectations of the couple. “I want to be heard for my ideas, not for the one I live with. I find that there is something unhealthy in wanting to know him”, she concluded with our colleagues.

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