Sarah Connor: A fan’s request moves her to tears at concert

Sarah Connor
Emotional request from a fan moves her to tears at concert

© Christian Schroedter / imago images

Sarah Connor actually never wanted to sing the song “Paper Airplane” live again. She made an exception for a fan who suffered a terrible stroke of fate.

Too much pain Sarah Connor, 44, the memories she associates with her song from May 2019. The musician wrote the ballad “Paper Airplane” for the deceased child of the US ski racer Bode Miller, 46, and his wife, the beach volleyball player Morgan Miller, 37. Her daughter Emmy, †1, drowned in the neighbors’ pool in June 2018 at the age of 19 months. At Connor’s concert in Munich on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, she exceptionally included the song, which has the additional title “For Emmy”, in her setlist.

Sarah Connor sings for a fan’s deceased son

As “Bunte” reported, Sarah Connor addressed her audience with serious words at around 9 p.m. She explained that she doesn’t often check her Instagram inbox. Shortly before her performance at the “Tollwood Summer Festival” in Munich, however, she received a message that the singer couldn’t stop thinking about. While still on stage, the 44-year-old read it out to her audience: “Hello. I don’t know if I’m in the right place, but I have a very big request. We’re at your concert in Munich and Kevin, my friend’s son, died in the sea in Tarragona, Spain on March 28th while trying to rescue another boy. Our friend Petra is devastated and listens to the song ‘Paper Airplane’ every day. She wants so much for Sarah Connor to sing this song at the concert. Is there any way we can pass this on?”

A request that Connor could not ignore. The musician admitted, however, that it was difficult for her to sing this song live. “I’m trying to get through it like this. If I don’t manage it, you’ll have to help me,” she warned her audience. Before she sang the first notes, she spoke directly to her fan: “For you, Petra, I’m singing this song now. Only for you and your Kevin.” She then sang the song with tears in her eyes, and even sobs could be heard in the second verse, according to “Bunte”.

“Paper airplane” always reminds her of her own children

This part of the song says: “Your things everywhere. It smells of you and in case you do come back, I’ll put me in your bed – and I can be close to you. No one noticed. Now he has taken you in. Please just once, just one last time I can be close to you, you can be there again.” Lines that the mother of four wrote for the late Emmy, but in which her thoughts were also with her own children.

When the girl died, Connor’s son Jax, 7, was the same age – and with his blonde hair he looked very similar to the professional athlete’s daughter. “We also have a pool in the garden, fenced in of course. But since I found out about Emmy’s story, I’m even more vigilant near water, because it only takes seconds and the accident happens,” she told “Bild” in 2019.

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