Sarah Connor: Before Marc Terenzi! She once loved this boy band star

Sarah Connor
She loved this boy band star before Marc Terenzi and Florian Fischer

© FAMOUS / imago images

Sarah Connor, 44, is somehow drawn to boy band members. Her first husband, Marc Terenzi, 45, became famous in 1999 with the US band “Natural” and the single “Put Your Arms Around Me”. And her second husband and current manager, Florian Fischer, 49, also started his career in 1996 alongside Adel Tawil, 45, with “The Boyz”. Their biggest hit? “One Minute”, which stayed in the top ten for several weeks in 1997.

But before Connor became famous herself and her stage name was still Sarah Gray, she lost her heart to another boy band star – who discovered her talent: Martin Scholz, 49, from “Touché”.

Sarah Connor dated “Touché” member Martin Scholz

Many people may still remember the song “This Goodbye Is Not Forever” and continue singing: “I will love you forever and forever”. It is one of the biggest hits of “Touché”, which was founded in 1996 and disbanded in 2004, but was unable to build on its success by the early 2000s. Its most famous member was Karim Maataoui, 49, who attracted attention primarily through his on-off relationship with Jessica Stockmann, 57, ex-wife of former tennis star Michael Stich, 55, and was nicknamed “Karim the Kisser”.

Martin Scholz (right) and Karim Maataoui (2nd from right) and the remaining members of "Touché".

Martin Scholz (right) as well as Karim Maataoui (2nd from right) and the remaining members of “Touché”.

© teutopress / imago images

In the midst of the successful years of “Touché”, his lesser-known boy band colleague Martin Scholz was dating an up-and-coming artist who would one day become one of Germany’s most successful singers: her name was Sarah Marianne Corina Lewe alias Sarah Gray.

A demo to Scholz laid the foundation for her career

The Delmenhorst native tried her luck with a demo tape with her then famous neighbor, Martin Scholz, who also comes from nearby. Sarah and Martin became a couple in 1997, and she then performed as the opening act for “Touché.” “The foundation of her career [war] laid,” reported the NDR.

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After the split in 1999, Sarah made her breakthrough. In 2000, she landed a record deal, changed her stage name to Sarah Connor – a tribute to her Irish grandfather – and released her first hit single “Let’s Get Back To Bed – Boy!” in 2001.

Martin Scholz on his relationship with Sarah Connor: “We weren’t mature enough back then”

From then on, there was no stopping him. Even today, 25 years after the separation, Martin Scholz still likes to think back to his relationship with Sarah Connor. “We had a great time with ups and downs,” he said recently in an interview with “t-online” and added: “Now she lives with Florian in Berlin. And that’s all good the way it is.”

He no longer has contact with Sarah. “That has changed since then […] completely gone,” which, however, is “completely fine” for Scholz. He also has clear words about the reasons for the former end of the relationship and explains: “We were not yet mature enough for a really long relationship at the time.”

From the stage to the hair salon

Martin Scholz is still on stage from time to time, for example performing songs by “Touché” at 90s parties, but he mainly works as a hairdresser. Scholz learned that once and it is now his foundation.

“This gives me the opportunity to freely decide what I feel like doing. I don’t have to accept every offer,” explains the former boy band star, who was once in a relationship with one of the country’s biggest singers today.

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