Sarah Connor: Emotional farewell words for her dog Nala

"I already miss your barking": Sarah Connor said goodbye to her deceased dog with touching words on Instagram.

Sarah Connor (40, "How beautiful you are") mourns her dog. "Nala left us last night after 12.5 years at my side," writes the German singer in her Instagram stories about a picture of Nala. With touching words, Connor also says goodbye in another post on the platform.

"I will miss you so much, my little one," explains Connor. She continues: "You have accompanied me for almost 13 years, protected me, watched my children and kept me together on walks, comforted me and experienced so much with me. I miss your barking now. And everyone else here too."

Fans shower Connor with compassion

Her fans share the singer's pain and show a lot of compassion for Connor in the comments. "I can empathize so well with the great loss of a beloved animal", writes one user, another assures: "In any case, she will always be by your side and continue to take care of you from above."
