Some stars have teamed up to advertise naked for postal voting. Sarah Silverman, Chris Rock and more can be seen in the clip.
Many comedy greats and other stars advertise in a commercial for the organization "RepresentUs" for correct and immediate participation in the US postal vote. Shown are: Chris Rock (55), Tiffany Haddish (40), Amy Schumer (39), Josh Gad (39), Sarah Silverman (49) – and her father -, Mark Ruffalo (52), Chelsea Handler (45) , Ryan Bath (44) and the British model Naomi Campbell (50). The fact that everyone – with the exception of Borat Sagdiyev aka actor Sacha Baron Cohen (48) – is naked not only attracts attention, it also has a deeper meaning.
Instructions, pens, envelopes and
"If you don't do exactly what I'm telling you, your ballot could be thrown away," Silverman warns with one hand on each chest in the video. "When the ballot comes in, you must read the instructions," says the naked Haddish sternly. "If it says, 'Use a black pen', then use a black pen," adds Handler, also topless.
With their non-existent outfits, the stars refer to the so-called "bare ballot papers," which required voters in 16 states, including, according to Campbell Pennsylvania, to put their postal ballot papers one after the other in two separate envelopes in order to be valid. And one more point is particularly important to the committed nudes: "Send the ballot as soon as possible by post," says Gad, more than bluntly. "America needs you", concludes Silverman and salutes with one hand on his forehead …
The US election will take place on November 3rd. Each state has its own postal voting rules. In most cases it is enough if the letter is postmarked on election day, and it can then arrive by November 13th.