Saving at home: 3 devices you should never unplug

Saving in the household
3 devices you should never unplug

In the video we tell you three devices that you should never unplug.

For many devices in the home it makes sense to unplug them after switching them off and using them – but not for all of them. In the video we show you three devices that are better left permanently connected to the power supply.

Not removing the plug from the socket after charging can be a real power guzzler. Charging cables for smartphones or laptops in particular also consume electricity when no device is connected. But even if unplugging usually means saving electricity, there are also some devices for which it is better not to do this.

With these 3 devices it doesn’t make sense to unplug them

It is particularly advisable not to unplug three household items. In the video we tell you which three devices are involved and why they are better left permanently connected to the power supply.

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