Saving electricity vs. security – queasy feeling because of less light – now the federal government is in demand – News


Retailers and the cantons are turning off the lights, and that’s why older people in particular have a bad feeling. Now an interpellation wants a weighing up of interests from the federal government – ​​between security and saving electricity.

    “It has to be said that it can get really dark,” says Milan Prenosil, President of the Zurich City Association. Nevertheless, the shop window lights of the Manor department stores have not been shining their light in the dark since the first weekend in October. They want to contribute something to alleviate the energy crisis, so the reasoning.

Electricity is saved in these places

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In addition to shop windows, there are other efforts to save electricity. In Frauenfeld, for example, all the lighting is switched off at night. In the federal city of Bern, 15 public buildings such as the Zytglogge Tower, the Federal Palace, almost all fountains and monuments have not been illuminated for around two weeks.

So far, however, some people have also expressed concern about the new darkness. So would have with the united old town stripswhich represents the interests of trade and residents in Bern’s old town, primarily reported older people who had a bad feeling about strolling through the old town, which was getting darker and darker, in the evening.

Interpellation for more security

The Central Councilor Heidi Z’graggen from Uri takes on the security concerns: “The brightness contributes a lot to the sense of security – especially for women and maybe older people.”


Z’graggen wants to shed some light on it – because of safety.


You can well understand that you get a queasy feeling. Together with nine other members of the Council of States, she has therefore submitted an interpellation to the Federal Council, which is intended to make the feeling of security at national level an issue.

The brightness contributes a lot to the sense of security – especially for women and maybe also for older people.

The question is how to increase the sense of security. Do we need more security personnel in public transport or more police? According to Z’graggen, recommendations from the Federal Council are necessary.

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