Saving trick: This is how women save money every month

This saving trick is worthwhile for all women! Because a simple shopping habit saves us a lot of money every month …

I'm saving money this month! How often have you caught yourself with this resolution – and how you ended up breaking it again? We all want to save money. But then suddenly the washing machine breaks, the birthday of the best friend is coming and the bulk shopping has to be done too. There is hardly anything left at the end of the month …

Unless you know a simple saving trick! It can even be combined with bulk purchases Рso you can save more or less. You don't have to do anything other than live like a man. Sounds weird? But it makes sense when it comes to shopping. And we are not talking about common gender clich̩s of targeted shopping (even if we would probably save some money, but not only money, but also fun). No, it's about something much simpler. The saving trick for women is: only buy men's products.

Savings trick for women: How men shop

Do you need shaving gel? Take this for men. And pack the razor when you stand in front of the shelf. There is actually a sad truth behind the saving trick for women that we all know: the so-called gender pricing, according to which women still pay significantly more money for a variety of products than male consumers. Because when a product is expressly for female customers, such as said disposable razors in pink, it often costs more. This is especially annoying when there is no difference between things (apart from a cliché color). In the worst case, women would even pay twice.

For many products, it is worthwhile as a woman to buy the male version. Where does that apply? We give a little inspiration for the next drugstore purchase. You can also buy these things well in the men's version:

  • Hair gel to hair spray
  • Body lotion and hand cream
  • (Disposable) razors
  • Shaving foam and gel
  • After-shave cream (worth it!)
  • Depending on the smell: shower gel, shampoo and perfume

Our general savings tip: Try to avoid typical "female" packaging when shopping and look around to see if there is a neutral or male version. And you'll notice that at the end of the month, there is automatically more money left in the account – even though you bought just as many products.