Scary ! A diver thinks he is safe in a cage, a gigantic shark decides otherwise

The scene takes place in the Pacific Ocean, where an expert shark diver, Jimi Partington, was attacked by a specimen of almost five meters while he thought he was safe in a cage.

Believing himself safe from attack, diver Jimi Partington was surprised by the speed of the diver’s attack‘a great white shark almost five meterswho gripped the cage with his jaw. The spectacular images were broadcast on the Discovery channel on July 25 as part of a documentary entitled “Great White Open Ocean”.

Jimi Partington: a survivor of a spectacular attack by a five-meter white shark

Lying in a large closed transparent box, on the surface of the water, in the Pacific Oceanthe man observed the white shark roam around him. Suddenly, the animal ran through a school of fish to tackle the box head-on, which shattered as it gripped the object in its powerful jaws. About five meters long, everything led to believe that it would make short work of Jimi Partington who was inside.

Very surprisingly, almost miraculouslythe crashing box threw the diver out of the water, forcing him to swim as quickly as possible, as detailed by The Sun. More fear than harm for this great connoisseur of white sharks, who did not have the slightest scratch after this spectacular attack. The footage was released during Shark Week, which aired for the 34th consecutive season on the Discovery Channel. According to The Sun, producer and director Jeff Kurr said: “Great White Open Ocean is a film that follows the story of a friend of mine, an expert shark diver named Jimi Partington. He actually survived being hit from below by a 16ft Great White.” Scary !

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