Schladming-TICKER – LIVE: Can Feller still make it onto the podium?

Today, for the first time, a World Cup giant slalom will be held under floodlights on the Schladminger Planai. We report live (see below).

Here is the LIVETICKER: Even if Marco Odermatt, their absolute number 1 for Schladming, had to pass due to injury, the Swiss team is still outstanding at half-time in the giant slalom night race: Loic Meillard is the superior leader, and Gino Caviezel is second place (+0.64 seconds) and third is the Norwegian Henrik Kristoffersen (+1.06). In touch with the absolute top: Manuel Feller in fourth (+1.52.) During Meillard a mega time cushion of 1.52 seconds between himself and Feller in 4th place, the man from Fieberbrunn has to start the final with a lead of just 0.40 seconds in 9th place. Incidentally, Stefan Brennsteiner is in this position as the second-best Austrian, just ahead of Raphael Haaser, who this year had already been able to classify as 9th and 14th in World Cup giant slalom. Another 0.39 seconds behind are Marco Schwarz at the same time, who as a 17-year-old at the 2013 World Cup as a precursor B acquainted with an RTL course in Schladming, and Roland Leitinger.
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