Scholz visit announced: Dispute over gas delivery: Turbine still in Germany

Scholz visit announced
Dispute over gas supply: Turbine still in Germany

For some time now, Russia has been supplying less gas through the Baltic Sea pipeline than is technically possible. As justification, Moscow refers to a turbine repaired abroad. Now it is known that the unit is still in Germany.

The turbine for the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline is still in Germany. Chancellor Olaf Scholz will visit them tomorrow morning at Siemens Energy in Mülheim an der Ruhr, the energy technology group announced. There the turbine, which has been serviced in Canada, is ready for onward transport to Russia. Scholz will make a short press statement together with Siemens Energy boss Christian Bruch.

Last week, with reference to further repair work, the company cut gas supplies again so that only 20 percent of the maximum possible amount is now flowing through the pipes. In Europe, the justification is considered a pretext.

According to the Russian energy company Gazprom, the turbine is important in order to build up the necessary pressure for pumping the gas. Gazprom has repeatedly accused its contractual partner Siemens Energy of not having sent the necessary documents and information to repair the machine. Siemens Energy had denied Gazprom’s allegations.

According to the Kremlin, Russia is hoping for a speedy return of the repaired gas turbine in view of the reduced gas supplies through the pipeline. The turbine should then be installed in the Portovaya gas compressor station, after which work could begin to put it back into operation, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

According to Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck, the turbine has been in Germany since July 18. All the papers were there, he had them in his own hands, said the Green politician. But Russia refuses to bring the turbine into its own country. “You lie to your face,” said Habeck. In this context he spoke of a “2Farce”.

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