The first day of school is an exciting event for both the child and the parents. But so that it is not so difficult for both sides, a mother has come up with a comforting method.
As the saying goes: the first day of school is when life becomes serious. While many children look forward to school enrollment, some struggle with fear. With parents, too, joy and pride are often mixed with worry. After all, mother and father hope that everyday school life will run as smoothly as possible and that their children will still be able to enjoy a carefree childhood.
So all worries vanish
Mother Louise Mallett from the UK noticed how her youngest son was very emotional days before starting school. Therefore, she has come up with a touching method for her offspring with which mother and child can comfort each other. She calls this trick "Hug Button".
"We got the idea to draw a heart for each of us and if we squeezed it would send a hug to the other person. It really worked.", says Louise about her picture on Facebook.
"I drew a heart on both of our hands and an extra heart on his arm in case it came off his hand. We 'charged' the hearts by taking each other's hands on the way to school" she continues.
Consolation plaster for parents and child
Ultimately, it's not easy for the first grader to get along without mom and dad. But it is also a big step for the parents, because they have to keep learning to let go. But this cute method makes it easier for both parent and child. "When I picked him up, I asked him, 'Did you get my hugs?' He said, overjoyed, 'Yes!' And added: 'I held it down for a long time, Mom, but I didn't cry.' "
The idea goes through the net
Louise's post goes viral and she wows a lot of moms with this trick. "What a wonderful idea," writes one user. "It's such a simple and cute way to help your child be happier and more comfortable on their own," said another. We also think: This method is really worth sharing.