School health protocol: why parents and teachers are still mixed

While the anger of parents and teachers is rumbling over the latest device put in place in schools, the Prime Minister announced Monday evening three measures to simplify the health protocol at school. From now on, when a positive case is detected in a class, the children remain in class until the school trip, the self-tests are also taken into account and free and finally a single certificate is requested. On the parents’ side, reactions are mixed to these new guidelines. The Europe 1 correspondent in Marseille met some of them.

A feeling of fed up

Jean-Luc is the father of two young boys and for him, if this new protocol is simpler, it is still too restrictive. “It’s not lightened enough yet. We know that children are carriers, but at the same time, they are mostly asymptomatic, it always complicates our task. It is still three tests to be done in four days and during these four days they do not keep them in class. We work, we have lives, it’s complicated, “he says.

For the most part, the parents we met say that they will apply this new protocol to the letter. But at the same time there is a feeling of fed up. And some are already wondering. “It swells me a bit to do three tests. I’m going to do them but if it continues I think we will do one test in three. And then it pays off too. Before we put money in the masks, now it’s in the self-tests. It’s wasted, “regrets another mother. Doubt therefore sets in among parents, who wonder how long their children will accept these tests, and especially why we do not rather generalize saliva tests, much less restrictive.

“We no longer respect the staff of National Education”

Invited to Europe Midi on Tuesday, Jean-Rémi Girard, president of the National Education Staff Union (SNALC), explained for his part doubting the will of the executive to limit the circulation of the virus. “Each new protocol is in fact a lightening of the previous protocol. There, we are still in a system where we no longer have the capacity to verify that a child has actually taken a test and where everything will depend on a certificate. We still find it complicated to base a public health policy on individual honor, “he said.

According to him, one of the solutions would rather be, as advised by the Scientific Council in September, the establishment of iterative tests, namely regular and for everyone. “It could be saliva tests, much less invasive for children, especially the youngest, and which would make it possible to monitor the virus very regularly rather than suddenly having to test everyone several times in a row” , submitted Jean-Rémi Girard. He finally felt that the strike scheduled for January 13 is essential. “At one point, that is no longer possible. We cannot continue to run the school in any way from one day to the next, to announce things on TV. In fact, we no longer respect the staff of the school. ‘National education, knowing that it is we who must adapt, “he lamented, assuring that most parents support this strike.

“If we really want to limit the circulation of the virus, then it is not logical that contact cases can eat in the canteen and only be picked up by their parents in the evening. We have to tell each other the things of in a clear manner and above all, we must be given the time to organize ourselves when we make a change “. The teachers’ unions who called the strike denounce in particular “an indescribable mess” and an untenable protocol.

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