Scientifically proven: expert reveals 6 surprising secrets of real success

A formula for success? Sounds too good to be true! The physicist Albert László Barabási still believes that he found it. You can read here which variables are included.

Admittedly, what you have to do to be successful depends very much on how you define success. If we understand it to lead a happy, successful life, maybe the philosopher Plato is a very good advisor: He believed that our three parts of the soul (reason, courage and desire) should work well together so that our life is the bottom line can count as a success.

On the other hand, if we combine success with prestige, power, career breakthroughs and fame, the Hungarian physicist Albert László Barabási is probably our man: He and his team of scientists investigated which factors in different fields such as art, literature, science etc. lead to that you can make it big or at least get it really far. In his book "The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success", which he published in 2018, he presents results and conclusions from his years of data analysis and mentions, among other things, the following points.

Success formula: 6 important variables

1. Strong network

Regardless of the sector, who is well networked, progresses better. Acquaintances or acquaintances from acquaintances are more likely to be helped as strangers, whether we like it or not, and the statistics also prove this. Maintaining contacts and being able to remain in the memory of others positively, according to Albert László Barabási's formula, always contributes to a high increase in the success curve.

2. Self is the woman

Clearly, in most contexts, teamwork is important and necessary to be successful. But women in particular could think more about themselves and their solo careers, according to Barabási's evaluations – because statistically speaking, they did the worst in teams. It may be that this is changing now and in the future, but at the moment we are obviously allowed to take a little more selfishness – at least in mixed teams with men

3. Timing is everything …

Statistically speaking, the first person to appear for an interview has a 25 percent lower chance of being hired than applicants who are at the end of the line. Isn't that nasty? Well, statistics are stupid. You can certainly convince the selection committee when you start, but apparently the last impression remains more positive in your memory than the first – perhaps because then the high expectations were already reduced to a realistic level … No matter what The background is: If you are offered an appointment for an interview, you can obviously increase your chances by asking to be postponed to a few days later.

4. … Eliteunis are not

Studying at a renowned university is by no means a guarantee of success as you might think. "Apparently it is not the universities that make successful students, but clever students that make universities successful," quotes the "Spiegel" Barabási. It is crucial that you are good at what you do, not who provides you with the means. The physicist himself works for Northeastern University in Boston.

5. Grab the stars from the start

For artists in particular, it is better to annoy the large, popular gallery owners and agents than to start with the small ones and rely on conquering the world from there. Statistically speaking, those who start small have a poor chance of making it big. And if it means going to the DSDS: If you as a musician do not want to perform at village festivals and weddings all your life, you should consider this.

6. Patience

The good news for everyone who has not yet earned billions at 21: Success can also occur in old age! The big breakthrough is often only made by scientists after the age of 50, and many successful start-up founders are already 50+. It is important that you believe in your idea and that it makes you happy, even without it fame and fortune. Because only then can you be patient and stay tuned – until one day it may be so far.