Scope for action for traffic lights: Tax forecast: 179 billion euros more by 2025

Room for maneuver for traffic lights
Tax forecast: 179 billion euros more by 2025

The current prognosis of the tax estimators is not only good news for Finance Minister Scholz, but certainly the SPD, Greens and FDP as a whole. The plus of around 180 billion euros over the next four years gives the future coalition significantly more leeway. But the main beneficiary is not the federal government.

Good news for the traffic light parties in a difficult phase of the coalition negotiations: SPD, Greens and FDP can probably plan more tax revenues than expected. The tax estimates assume that around 179 billion euros more will flow into the coffers of the federal, state and local governments by 2025 than was predicted in May. “The next federal government can build on a solid budget and financial policy,” said Finance Minister Olaf Scholz on Thursday in Berlin. According to the estimate, additional income of 38.5 billion euros is expected for the current year alone, of which 11.7 billion euros for the federal government and 22.5 billion euros for the federal states. For 2022, compared to the May estimate, a tax increase of 36.8 billion euros is predicted, of which 13.8 billion euros for the federal government and 17.0 billion euros for the states.

The main reason for optimism is the expected economic upturn after the bottom of the pandemic. The recovery – dampened by delivery bottlenecks and the coronavirus episode – is not progressing as the federal government initially expected. According to the autumn forecast, however, the economy will pick up significantly in the coming year. The “economic wise men”, advisers to the federal government, also expect private consumption and industrial production to normalize again.

Because of the pandemic, however, there has been more uncertainty in tax estimates since last year than before. It is hardly foreseeable whether further waves of infection will slow down the economy and consumption again, how the virus will mutate and whether the vaccination rates will rise as desired. Nevertheless, the tax estimates also paint a positive picture for the coming years: in 2023 there should be a total of 33.8 billion euros, 2024 of 33.6 billion euros and 2025 of 36.3 billion euros. During these three years, the federal government will generate annual additional income of between 14.7 and 16.3 billion euros. Tax revenues are likely to continue to increase significantly in 2026; this year was not yet included in the May estimate. According to the forecast, the total tax revenue of the federal, state and local governments will increase from 739.7 billion euros last year and now 812 billion euros for the current year to 987.5 billion euros by 2026.

Invest 50 billion euros every year

The optimistic forecast gives the SPD, Greens and FDP more leeway in the ongoing negotiations on a coalition agreement. With a successful financial policy, “we have given the new government room to maneuver,” said the finance minister – “even if the trees do not, of course, grow into the sky.” Perhaps you can still afford one or the other contested project. The fundamental financial problem of the traffic light, however, hardly solves additional income of the expected magnitude. An additional 50 billion euros are to be invested annually in climate protection, digitization and education – with a debt brake and without increasing taxes. However, Scholz is optimistic: “My successor will find a well-tended field.” Despite all the challenges, Germany is “well armed for the challenges of the future”.

The negotiators are therefore struggling to find ways to mobilize more funds, for example through the KfW development bank, public companies or investment companies. These companies and companies are not part of the federal government’s core budget, so they are allowed to take out loans. For example, a trunk road company could borrow money and rehabilitate the road network. Even the “economic wise men” recently had differing opinions as to whether or not it makes sense to circumvent the debt brake in this way. One thing is certain: In the past few years, the Corona crisis has torn a huge hole in national budgets. In 2020 and 2021, the federal government approved new debts of more than 370 billion euros. According to preliminary plans, almost 100 billion euros in loans could be taken out in the coming year with the debt brake suspended. The Federal Audit Office has just warned that the federal debt mountain threatens to rise to almost 1.5 trillion euros by the end of 2022. “The federal government has exhausted its financial leeway,” it said.

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