SCPI, Trumpet start of the SCPI-SIGN platform

central scpi associates

The Central SCPI (, the first SCPI comparator on the market, has just pulled off a masterstroke by creating, a site allowing you to invest in performance SCPIs extremely easily and in complete safety. With more than 100 accounts created a week after its launch, is already a key player in investing money in SCPIs. What makes the specificity of and why will its success be lasting?

Why use SCPI-SIGN to invest in real estate?

  • SCPIs are essential investments for all assets

The best performance SCPIs bring in around 6% net per year. This performance exceeds the rate of inflation, which allows their associates to increase their purchasing power. It is possible to build an SCPI portfolio with a few thousand euros, which makes it an investment open to all profiles.

SCPIs allow you to invest your money both in business real estate (offices, retail premises, warehouses, business premises, real estate related to health and education, tourist real estate and hotel premises, etc.) also in residential real estate. Finally, thanks to European SCPIs, it is easy to invest in real estate outside France, both in the euro zone and in the rest of the continent.

As specified Lionel Benhamouone of the founding partners of The Central SCPI (, the leading French digital savings network: “More and more customers contacting us at wanted to invest their money in performance SCPIs on a fully digital and secure SCPI platform. This is the case today with the widest choice of SCPIs. »

What are the specificities of the site ?

There are 0% fees for using the account and for creating its SCPI portfolio.

The electronic signature used to sign subscription forms complies with the European eIDAS regulation. Payment for purchased SCPIs is made directly to the SCPI’s account using the RIB/IBAN indicated on the subscription form. No funds therefore pass through

By becoming a customer of, you will be able to choose your performance SCPIs in a very simple way and follow the progress of your file. Once the SCPIs have been purchased, it is possible to manage your SCPI portfolio from your customer area and use a latest generation SCPI aggregator.

Of course, in case of doubt or questions, do not hesitate to get help from the engineers of SCPI-SIGN by contacting them six days a week at

What is the assessment of the first week of the launch of ?

  • A sense of accomplishment

The first customers of were able to make their subscriptions to performance SCPIs without the slightest hitch. They were seduced by the ergonomics of the site and its ease of use.

The choice of SCPIs offered makes it possible to compose a qualitative SCPI portfolio, which avoids wasting time and offers the possibility of aggregating them in the same place. Customers of are therefore there.

  • The beginning of a long-term adventure

As anticipated Gregory Moulinier, one of the founding partners of The Central SCPI ( “We are planning a second version of in the near future in order to perfect this website. Our objective remains to make it very easy for our clients to find the best SCPIs. »

The digitization of the economy is no longer a dream but a reality. With, it is now possible to invest in SCPI in a very simple way from your sofa or from another place and in a very secure way without any paperwork.

This technological feat was achieved by the engineers of The Central SCPIthe leading site in SCPI distribution.

Beyond the technological aspects mentioned above, performance SCPIs, unlike the livret A or life insurance contracts in euro funds, increase the purchasing power of their unitholders. And that’s what matters most, isn’t it?

So if you have the money to invest, it’s worth taking a look at


Investment in an SCPI is not guaranteed, both from the point of view of the dividends received and that of the preservation of capital. SCPIs depend on fluctuations in the real estate markets.

Before any decision to purchase SCPI shares, get advice from a professional to be certain that this investment corresponds to your asset profile.

Finally, like any real estate investment, take into account the fact that SCPIs are long-term investments whose minimum holding period cannot be less than eight years.

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