Search image: How quickly can you find the dog that is stepping out of line here?

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How quickly can you find the dog that is stepping out of line here?

Search picture: Which dog differs significantly from the rest of the group?

These dogs may all look the same – but one quadruped is very different from the rest. Can you spot them?

In this dog school, a total of 78 fluffy puppies learned to line up in a neat formation. Of course, this makes them look particularly similar, but one of them steps out of line and stands out with a very special detail – but which one?

Search image: A dog is different from the rest

Because there are so many dogs, this picture is an extra mean challenge for those who like puzzles, because in this crowd, the small detail is all the more difficult to find. Can you still do it? Then test yourself in the video, where you can also see the resolution!

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