Seat positions in the test – this is how passengers comfortably risk their lives

It is well known that drivers should sit in such a way that they can easily reach the steering wheel and pedals. And passengers can sit however they want? Theoretically yes. In practice, they should be down-to-earth in the literal sense – also and especially on long journeys. Dekra tested the effects of different seating positions.

In the event of an accident, the correct sitting posture and correct adjustment of the belt and seat backrest have a major impact on the severity of injuries. This applies both to the driver’s seat and especially to the passenger side. Crash tests by the expert organization Dekra, each with vehicles of the same construction and with three dummies of different sizes and weights, showed what influence the individual adaptation of the seating position to the physique has on the consequences of the accident. In each of the three crash tests, the three dummies sat alternately on the driver’s seat, in the passenger seat and in the back seat. They correspond to a “50 percent man” with a height of 1.75 meters and a weight of 78 kilograms, a “5 percent woman” (1.54 meters, 52 kg) and an older woman with a changed distribution of body mass ( 1.61 meters, 73 kg). The driver’s seat was adjusted individually in each case so that the pedals and steering wheel were easily accessible, while the passenger seat remained in a middle position in all three tests. The crash tests showed that on the passenger side a good interaction of the restraint system consisting of seat belt and airbag only applied to the “50 percent man”. The “5 percent woman” should have sat much further forward and higher. In the case of the older woman dummy, the lower center of gravity caused the dummy to penetrate the seat more, so that it dived under the lap belt in the event of an impact. Lounging can be deadly Summary of the Dekra experts: “If the sitting position is incorrect, the protection is provided by the belt and airbag largely lost.” They therefore warn against a casual lying and lounging attitude. It is also particularly dangerous when passengers put their feet on the dashboard. If the airbag deploys, the knees are thrown towards the head, the lap belt has no grip on the pelvic bones and can penetrate deep into the abdomen. They recommend only adjusting the front passenger seat far enough backwards so that there is a distance between the knees and the glove compartment about three fingers wide. The seat height should be adjusted so that eye level is about halfway up the windshield, this also applies to the driver. The backrest is placed as upright as possible so that the shoulders are in contact with the backrest. (SPX)
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