Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for Marine Le Pen: “We are going to bring down this Islamic headscarf”

Guest of Laurence Ferrari in the Morning of CNEWS this Wednesday, April 20, Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for Marine Le Pen, returned to the proposal of the candidate to ban the wearing of the veil in public space.

“The hijab is the instrument of Islamism. We need a law to fight it and therefore we are going to bring down this Islamic headscarf,” he said.

No change of course

While several relatives of Marine Le Pen recently claimed that banning the veil in public space was not a priority, for Sébastien Chenu, there is no change of course on the subject.

“We, our fight, it is against Islamism. So we’re going to start by closing radicalized mosques, we’re going to stop funding radical Islam. All that, we are going to put it in place and there is the question of the veil, ”he detailed. And to continue: “We are going to make a law because the Islamic veil, the hijab, is the visible claim of this radical Islam”.

Marine Le Pen’s spokesperson responded to criticism of the implementation of such a measure, in the event of an election at the Elysée, specifying that this law will be presented to Parliament, “who will decide, as with any law how it applies”.

“We are going to define what the Islamic veil is, just as simply as we are going to define what Islamism is,” he added.

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