SecNumCloud: SMEs get support to obtain the qualification

Few cloud offers today are qualified SecNumCloud, the process of obtaining this visa often proving long, arduous and expensive. However, it is the only qualification offered by Anssi which distinguishes in France the so-called “trusted cloud” operators – who respect good practices in terms of security.

To remove the technical and economic obstacles to obtaining this certification, the government has opened a support system for SMEs and start-ups wishing to market cloud computing services adapted to the highly sensitive data of their customers.

Announced last September, this access window has been launched since December 19, 2022. Bpifrance has taken the reins, alongside Anssi and the Directorate General for Enterprises. Initially, only entrepreneurs wishing to market a qualified SecNumCloud offer within two years can integrate the device, specify the organizations in charge.

A program endowed with 3.5 million euros

Once enrolled in this program, companies applying for the SecNumCloud label will receive an initial audit to identify their degree of maturity and advice on how to progress towards qualification. The program also provides financial assistance to help them validate the qualification.

This support will be carried out initially by information systems security audit service providers (PASSI), then by security support and consulting service providers (PACS) once the certification is in force.

The cloud device, which is part of the France 2030 strategy, has a budget of 3.5 million euros. A first replacement of the system will be carried out in mid-February 2023.

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