Secret Invasion on Disney+: The Grand Finale in Episode 6! Is there a scene after the credits?


After only six short episodes, the Marvel event “Secret Invasion” on Disney + is over again. But is there another scene hidden after the credits of Episode 6?

Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion (Source: Disney+)

  • “Secret Invasion” on Disney+ has already reached the end of the story after 6 episodes.
  • Questions were answered, battles were fought and future events were hinted at – even in an end credits scene?

Credits and post-credits scenes are as much a part of Marvel movies as Bucky is of Captain America. Often, fans of the MCU at the cinema would sneer at all the ignorant people who left the room during the credits, knowing that their patience would surely be rewarded with a big reveal – or at least a little joke.

In the meantime, however, credits scenes are no longer as certain as they used to be. “Avengers: Endgame”, for example, did without this little extra and wanted to let the end of the film stand for itself. With the Marvel series on Disney+, you could never be too sure either, often at least the season finale featured a scene after the credits, and occasionally additional episodes as well. But what about the finale of “Secret Invasion”?

Curb your expectations

Secret Invasion

Secret Invasion (Source: Disney+)

“Secret Invasion” omitted a post-credits scene for the first five episodes, and episode 6 is no exception. Although the episode is the series finale, another scene hinting at future events was omitted.

Of course, the episode titled “Home” didn’t leave us at a loss, numerous storylines were completed satisfactorily – although some fans might have wished for a bigger highlight or spectacular revelations.

On November 8, 2023 we will see Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury again, when “The Marvels” will start in German cinemas. It is not yet known when the story of the Skrulls will be continued in the MCU.

Rate Secret Invasion
genreDrama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
first airing


First broadcast in Germany


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Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige Productions


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