“Secret Laboratories in Ukraine”: Moscow: Germany is helping the United States with biological weapons

“Secret Laboratories in Ukraine”
Moscow: Germany is helping the United States with bioweapons

Russia has been claiming for weeks that the US has secret laboratories for the development of biological weapons in Ukraine. Now the Russian Foreign Ministry accuses Germany of having participated.

Russia has accused Germany of involvement in alleged military laboratories in Ukraine. “According to confirmed information, the German side in the field of biosafety has closely coordinated its work with its American allies, who have created a network of at least 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told state broadcaster rt “Dangerous scientific research” was carried out in the laboratories. She did not provide any evidence for this.

Russia has been claiming for weeks that the US has secret laboratories for the development of biological weapons in Ukraine. This is also one of Moscow’s justifications for the war against the neighboring country that has been going on for more than seven weeks. Washington denies the allegations.

In the West, it is feared that Moscow is making the allegations in order to have a reason for its own biological weapons attack or to cover up the use. According to their own statements, the USA and NATO had provided Ukraine with equipment and material in the event of a Russian attack with chemical or biological weapons, for example for detection and decontamination as well as medical aids. At the end of March, NATO itself activated the defense against chemical, biological and nuclear threats.

A few days ago there were reports of a Russian use of chemical weapons in Mariupol. The chemical weapons control agency OPCW expressed concern and warned that all 193 member states of the OPCW, including the Russian Federation, had pledged “never to develop, produce, acquire … or use chemical weapons”. However, the reports have not yet been confirmed.

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