Secularism: the abaya is “prohibited” at school, recalls the Secretary of State for Citizenship

Those who wear this traditional outfit that is worn over clothes “do it in provocation”, declared Sonia Backès.

National Education staff can “to refuse“access to the establishment for students wearing an abaya, “a religious marker“, and must report attacks on secularism, recalled Saturday the Secretary of State for Citizenship Sonia Backès.

Of course abayas are religious markers“, and those who wear this garment (traditional outfit worn over clothes) “do it in provocation“said Sonia Backès on Franceinfo. “We must have absolutely no tolerance“because the 2004 law”ban religious markers at school“.

Education Minister Pap Ndiaye reported on Friday “an increase in reports“of attacks on secularism at school since the start of the school year, “in particular reports of wearing clothes“, such as “the abayas, which seem to multiplyhe had said.

For the Secretary of State for Citizenship,you have to be pragmatic“. “Do non-Muslims wear abayas? The answer is no”. So we don’t put religious markers in school“.

Abayas are “prohibited“and school heads”can refuseaccess to young girls who wear them, she said. He is “important that everything goes back” and of “send the message ” when you see behavior that does not comply with the rules of the Republic, you must report it”“. “I want teachers to know that the state will be there to protect them“said Sonia Backès.

Asked about sectarian aberrations, the Secretary of State, who specified that she herself had been “raised by a mother who is a member of the Church of Scientology“, said that one had to “carry out work to raise awareness among the people themselves and (work) to report» by the representatives of the State and by the entourage. “When I was 13, a friend said to me: ”do you know it’s a cult?” No, I didn’t know. This precisely allows to trigger the critical spirit“.

SEE ALSO – What can teachers do in the face of attacks on secularism in schools?

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