Sedentary lifestyle: the new study that alerts!

Ihe figure is hardly believable… and one could even doubt it if it did not come from the National Health Security Agency (Anses). Thus, 95% of the population would be exposed to a risk of deterioration of their health due to a lack of physical activity and the fact of staying seated for too long. Spending more than eight hours a day behind a desk is “couldn’t be more harmful” for the heart since blood circulation is not sufficiently activated, bad also for the muscles, which are not made for a sedentary lifestyle, and negative also for the brain, which is less well oxygenated when seated. In short, the observation made by ANSES is staggering!

It makes you wonder if our compatriots are aware of the health disaster towards which they are advancing… running! Certain categories of the population are more affected. The table drawn reveals that women, at 70%, are below all levels of activity identified to be healthy, compared to 42% of men. And, two years ago, the alert had been launched in the direction of young people; two-thirds of 11-17 year olds were already considered physically inactive, spending more than two hours a day (outside school time) on screens and less than sixty minutes on a sports field, cycle path or simply out for a walk.

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A single objective: to move more and more often!

It is therefore a question, for everyone, of limiting sedentary lifestyles by breaking the so-called static phases as regularly as possible. A few tips: get up and stretch every thirty minutes in front of your desk, give yourself a few moments every two hours to climb stairs, lift a load, go out for an errand, do some housework or gardening if we are on break during telework.

Better still, ANSES recommends combining different types of physical activity to be in top shape, such as practicing 30 minutes of cardiorespiratory activity five times a week (brisk walking, jogging, cycling, etc.), doing once or twice muscle building per week (swimming, bodybuilding, tennis, etc.), stretching exercises two or three times a week (gentle gym, yoga, pilates, etc.). Clearly, it is the very organization of our lifestyles that needs to be reviewed, everything should be a reason to fight against physical inactivity, underlines ANSES.

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Especially since the less you move physically, the more complicated it is to do so. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Leeds (and recently published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation) suggests that not exercising could deactivate an essential protein for the body. Present in mice (on which the study was conducted) but also in humans, this protein, called Piezo 1, acts as a blood flow sensor and its inaction would reduce the transport of blood to the muscles, hence a sports practice made more difficult when it is most needed. A real negative biological spiral.

In summary, not moving enough greatly increases the risk of vascular disease, diabetes, depression and cancer. But nothing is lost! To get out of the vicious circle of a sedentary lifestyle, all you need is a little willpower…

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