See you Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. to follow the third issue of “Club Le Figaro Presidentielle”, the political program of Le Figaro

Purchasing power, Zemmour’s support and Emmanuel Macron’s candidacy will be the topics discussed during this weekly meeting hosted by Yves Thréard, deputy editor of Le Figaro.

75 days from the presidential election, Le Figaro continues to bring the election campaign to life for its subscribers. And to decipher it every Tuesday evening with its journalists, columnists and experts. For the third issue of the “Presidential Club Le Figaro”, the deputy editor, Yves Thréard will receive Jérôme Jaffré, political scientist, associate researcher at Cevipof.

To discuss current political events and the challenges of the presidential campaign, Yves Thréard will also be surrounded by Bertille Bayart, editor-in-chief in the economics department, François-Xavier Bourmaud, senior reporter in the political department (in charge of the Élysée) and Alexandre Devecchio, deputy editor of the Debates pages.

Three themes are on the agenda:

  1. Will the question of purchasing power dominate the electoral campaign?
  2. Why do Marine Le Pen supporters go to Eric Zemmour?
  3. What is Emmanuel Macron waiting for to introduce himself?

This program is broadcast live on the Figaro website and on our mobile application (available on App Store and Google Play). In the meantime, you can find last week’s show in replay on Figaro Live.

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