Self Love: It’s time to give our breasts more love. That’s how it’s done!

All right in the bra
Time to give our breasts more love

© Mariia Korneeva / Shutterstock

When was the last time you gave your twins really conscious attention? It’s definitely time for that again!

The first bra was a pretty big deal for me back then. I may not have had a full breast yet, but my mom listened to the record every day: When will I get a bra? I didn’t know why I suddenly wanted one so badly, but I felt like I was ready for it. After weeks of discussion, we then agreed on a bustier. Ha! However, the satisfaction was short-lived. Because pretty quickly I too began to feel uncomfortable: too small, too pointed, too high, too low, too this or that. Was I really dissatisfied or simply unsettled by ideals of beauty? The latter was the case. Realizing this not only brought a completely different view of my “twins”, but also sparked the need to appreciate my body more intensively – which admittedly is not always easy.

#saggyboobsmatter: We all look different under a bra

Nigerian-British author of bestseller What a Time To Be Alone, Chidera Eggerue is known for her style and bluntness as the originator of the #saggyboobsmatter movement. Translated, the hashtag means something like “hanging breasts are important” – something that goes without saying. But if we’re honest with ourselves, it’s good to hear this reminder every now and then. And to see. As summer approaches, let’s not forget: Our breasts are what they are, and that’s a good thing. That slip dress in the closet that you would like to wear but have the feeling that your breasts are sagging? Rock it!

10-minute pats for more self-love

How often do we take the time to lovingly touch our bodies, our breasts? I can definitely say that I rarely if ever did it for a long time. No desire, no time, no knowledge. Until now: The Taoist deer exercise is a good introduction to the subject and is said to help promote blood circulation, among other things. At the same time, we also just get a feel for our chest. The whole thing works like this:

  1. It is recommended to perform the exercise naked. With a top it’s also completely fine. The important thing is not to wear a bra.
  2. First, take a comfortable position. Lying down or sitting up is best.
  3. Warm your hands and rub them together. For more self-pampering you can add a massage oil of your choice.
  4. Put your hands on the breasts without touching the nipples. Make clockwise and counter-clockwise circular motions with your fingertips. Try 30-40 turns in each direction. Also, focus on your breathing. If you like, you can repeat a mantra, for example “I am beautiful as I am”.

The right posture, please!

A bra that doesn’t fit properly can lead to neck, shoulder, chest, and headache pains. When you then consider that almost every second woman is wearing the wrong bra size, it’s pretty shocking. Our breasts continue to develop – just like us. That’s why it’s important that we either measure ourselves from time to time or seek help from a specialist shop. The step there shouldn’t be shameful, on the contrary: How liberating is it to wear a bra that is actually comfortable? And on top of that you also have the opportunity to get hold of chic underwear sets. By the way, you should avoid underwired bras at night. If they slip, they can cause pressure points.

More engagement with breast health

Every year in October there is media attention for breasts. And that’s important, too, because it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is about issues such as early detection, prevention and treatment. Precisely because breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that women can develop, we need to raise awareness of it in ourselves and those around us. But breast health and everything that goes with it should not only be of interest to us when there is an increased risk. It should become a part of our everyday self-care that we can talk about openly and without any sexualization. In addition to acceptance, this also includes the right bra and small massage units. Because we are worth it!


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