Self-love: Why I don’t use bathroom scales in my life

You unimportant weight
Why I will probably never buy a bathroom scale in my life

© David Fuentes / Adobe Stock

The only weight I care about is that of my baking ingredients or my suitcase before I leave for the airport. Why I haven’t cared about how much I weigh for more than ten years.

As a teenager, the scale was my constant companion. I felt like I weighed myself every day, but at least several times a week. And it wasn’t just me. Many friends also felt a certain weight pressure – the BMI also caused discomfort and stress for all of us. So many beautiful bodies in my world weren’t right, either because they were above or below. The latter was often a “problem” with lanky people, which is not uncommon when growing up. Weighing us created a lot of negative thoughts. But what for?

We don’t need a number to tell us we’re okay

“Shit, I’ve gained weight” – so many kilos, preferably to the gram, as if the number were a kind of death sentence – this sentence was used frequently. That was a reason for many of us to feel insecure or less well about getting back to our “ideal” weight. How many times did we put ourselves down because of our weight back then? And how many still do it today? We are only too happy to compare ourselves to the “ideal” and want to be as “presentable” as possible, but we ignore all the wonderful things we appreciate and love about our bodies: For example, that our skin protects us, our organs and that The constantly pumping blood in our veins ensure our survival, to name just a few obvious things.

Self love is the key

Unless you’re in a weight class in wrestling or another sport, you usually don’t need to be meticulous about your weight. Instead of us sticking to a number that says nothing about our personality, our sense of humor, our interests, and all the positive traits that we own, we should mostly ignore them. It is important that we feel comfortable in our body – and weight-based benchmarks rarely help. Let’s just focus on the things we like about ourselves.

“Perfect” self-images that should never have been

Most of the people I know don’t even have bathroom scales these days. That’s good, I say! And if the doctor wants to know our weight, they should put us on their practice scales. In any case, we are not obliged to do this at home.

Taking care of your own health, eating a reasonably balanced diet while also enjoying the joys of chips and sweet snacks are all important to me. They are things that are part of life. Just like exercise and laziness, productivity and godlike strolling. A Libra, on the other hand, tends to limit the quality of life if you submit to it. Hence my motto: get rid of it. If I don’t feel fit, I do sports. When I’m feeling nauseous after too many fries nights, I go back to eating more fresh veggies. I prefer to feel into myself instead of having a scale judged over me.


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