“Send a clear signal”: Union politicians are calling for a tourist visa ban for Russians

“Make a clear statement”
Union politicians are calling for a tourist visa ban for Russians

It is “not just Putin’s war” – this is one of the arguments used by Union politicians to stop issuing tourist visas to Russian citizens. The Russian population must be given clear signals, says the Union faction Vice Lindholz.

Politicians in the Union have spoken out in favor of stopping issuing Schengen visas to Russian citizens. “Holiday visas for Russians must be stopped,” said the deputy leader of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Andrea Lindholz, to the “Bild” newspaper. In view of the Ukraine war, it is about “sending clear signals to the Russian population as well”. The federal government must “not again oppose our European partners”.

The MEP Dennis Radtke from the CDU told the “Bild” that, unlike Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the Russian war against Ukraine was “not just Putin’s war”. It was “intolerable that Russians are vacationing in Europe and wasting their money as if nothing had happened,” criticized Radtke.

Germany and Europe are currently threatening “to fall asleep with sanctions and arms deliveries,” Radtke continued. He joins calls from countries like Estonia and Finland for tougher action against Russia. “Anyone who wants to stop Putin must not give up now, but must follow up with a tourist visa ban for Russian citizens,” demanded the European politician Radtke.

In the European Union and the members of the Schengen area, the debate about a tourist visa ban for Russians is gaining momentum. Finland wants to severely limit the number of tourist visas for Russians from September. Estonia, Latvia and the Czech Republic are already restricting the issuing of Schengen visas. However, Germany and the EU Commission in Brussels have so far rejected a fundamental freeze on tourist visas.

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