Senegal: The ruling coalition retains an absolute majority

Photo credit © Reuters

by Diadie Ba

DAKAR (Reuters) – The ruling coalition in Senegal, Benno Bokk Yakaar (BBY, Together for an emerging Senegal), will retain an absolute majority in Parliament thanks to the support of an opposition deputy.

According to the final results of the July 31 legislative elections, published on Thursday, President Macky Sall’s coalition won 82 of the 165 MP seats, one short of an absolute majority of 83 votes, while the alliance of opposition coalitions Yewwi Askane Wi (YAW) and Wallu won 80.

But the leader of the Bokk Gis Gis Liggeey coalition, Pape Diop, who won one of the three remaining seats, announced on Thursday evening that he would join forces with BBY to avoid a parliamentary crisis.

“We must prevent this situation (…) from blocking the functioning of our institutions,” he said in a statement.

The rest of the opposition did not comment on this decision immediately.

The BBY coalition, which won 125 seats in 2017, was punished at the polls due to growing dissatisfaction with the president’s policies, fueled in particular by the head of state’s refusal to openly declare whether he plans to run for a third term in 2024, despite rules on the limitation of multiple mandates.

Economic difficulties linked to the coronavirus pandemic and rising fuel and food prices are further fueling frustration in this West African country known for its stability.

“We must be proud and respect this choice of voters who have decided independently to rebalance the current political forces,” said Pape Diop.

(Written by Alessandra Prentice; French version Dagmarah Mackos, edited by Jean-Stéphane Brosse)

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