Senna and Tahm Kench, the interaction to be corrected urgently

Year after year, League of Legends is filled with new content. Whether it’s champions, reworks, items, runes, or even additional mechanics, the game we knew a few years ago has drastically changed over the seasons. By accumulation, There’s no denying that Summoner’s Rift is a lot different from what it looked like last year. And, finally, this dynamic of constant refreshing is one of the reasons explaining the longevity of the title. Besides, it’s a good thing, because it’s precisely the reason why LoL has been so successful for more than ten years – because, beyond the basics, the game conceals little secrets to discover, small useful or not useful interactions that can revolutionize the way of approaching it.

At least, when they are intended interactions. Because, when League gives rise to unwanted mechanics, it’s quite the opposite effect. Witness this little clip revealing a completely broken synergy between Senna and Tahm Kench…

A questionable invisibility

The combination is simple, but terrifyingly effective: thanks to his E, Senna can make Tahm Kench untargetable and partially invisible — which perfectly matches the description of the spell. Less so, however, is the sequel—because the River King can then use his R to devour the Redeemer, such that both champions (and any allied champions in the area) are rendered completely invisible.

As it happens, we are not even talking about a camouflage comparable to that of Twitch or Evelynn, but a total disappearance that defies the very rules of modern League of Legends. In other words, we can consider the interaction as an unwanted bug, and we honestly hope that Riot Games will fix it as soon as possible – because we don’t need a lot of thinking time to imagine the damage that she could cause, whether in ranked queue or even at the professional level…

Original content by MGG Spain

We would almost risk letting go of a little “cheh”. Considered by many to be one of the most anxiety-provoking champions in League of Legends, Master Yi will not be spared from the next patch. Riot Games has devised adjustments to try to reduce the frustration linked to its gameplay…

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