SEO: The Illustration Puzzle

You don’t judge a book by its cover. But in the world of SEO, a text without an illustration will not have the same impact on readers as a short text with a nice image.

Some niches cannot function without illustrations: this is the case of sites devoted to cooking, travel, beauty, etc.

Similarly, content shared on social media has been shown to achieve better sharing results and virality when accompanied by a photograph. However, one can have a very beautiful pen and be of a crass nullity with a camera. So how do you find great illustrations?

Image banks and photo aggregators

First step: check royalty-free or Creative Commons image banks. Depending on the subject, this may be enough to find happiness. Of course, it will be necessary to credit the images correctly and to respect the Creative Commons licenses. This means that you must configure your site in such a way that the original author can be credited.

You can try your luck with Pixabay, on Flickr, but also with AllTheFreeStock. It’s a sort of search engine for all image and video banks offering royalty-free content.

Unfortunately, you don’t always find what you’re looking for in royalty-free image banks or in Creative Commons. Sometimes the niche is just too specialized.

The alternative group buy SEO

So we have to search platforms like TwentyTwo. If you have subscribed to a group buy SEO service, you may already have access. Otherwise, there are SEO group buys for TwentyTwo.

Another possibility: online image banks such as Alarmy or ShutterStock. Problem: the images are paid and relatively expensive. Again, there are mutual access to this type of service. You can get away with it for a few euros.

You may already have access to an image bank without knowing it. If you use Canva to make infographics or presentations and you have the appropriate license, you certainly already have access to an image bank with vectors, photos or diagrams. In some group buy SEO, you have access to Canva.

Last resort

Let’s say you couldn’t find what you were looking for at all and none of the options listed above helped you find the right image. There remains a solution but it is not exactly moral: dig into YouTube videos and other video-sharing platforms. Just take a screenshot and remove any markings using online software.

The quality is generally poor and it’s not the cleanest method out there. We’ll say it’s the last resort.

Produce your own illustrations

Should you illustrate your content at all costs? Yes, especially if you have a technical site with tutorials. In this case, you obviously make your own captures and your own illustrations. There is no question of using someone else’s artwork in this area.

Similarly, do not use images from other social media users. Beyond the moral aspect, it is the legal aspect that is really problematic. But nothing prevents you from asking permission.

What about your own productions? If you have images, infographics, illustrations, use photo software to put a markup on them. It is particularly infuriating to see computer graphics that we have produced circulating on social networks, without mentioning the author. If you have a logo, use Canva to watermark your content. The IrfanView software also allows you to add a relatively basic watermark to your productions. Free and easy to use, it allows you to perform image processing operations in batches, in a very simple way.

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