SEO: The winning formula for adapting and translating content

If all niches are saturated by definition, depending on the language, SEO results will not be the same. The same keyword searched in French and in English will not give the same indicators. Thus, a low-intensity keyword in French can be very competitive in English.

Therefore, one of the techniques that are practiced very openly is the translation and adaptation of content. Some niches almost only work that way. In the tech world, it’s almost a national sport. So much so that the articles are translated, mistakes included.

What is the technique?

The winning recipe

First of all, we isolate a keyword from which we will establish our article. We do our analysis, we study the volume, the questions, the related searches, etc. Then we will look for content related to this keyword in another language. For example in English.

We isolate the elements that are interesting, we “spin” them, we translate, we correct the article and we put it online.

What does “spinner” mean? Spinbots are text reformulation tools. They serve to improve the writing of a text and to avoid plagiarism detection by Google’s algorithms. Indeed, in theory, Google hates plagiarism and duplicate content. In practice, a search for Mrs. CJ Walker – in connection with a series broadcast on Netflix – brought up in the first results in French a blog post which is a copy-paste from Wikipedia France.


The best spinbots are available in English. One of the most effective is Quilbot, which offers different features, including that of rewriting. Once the article has been reformulated, it must be translated.

Far too many content producers still go through Google Translate. It is a mistake. If Google Translate can be useful for asking directions to a passerby, the tool is very poor for complex turns of phrase. However, spinbots use complex turns of phrase, which go beyond the simple formula “subject-verb-object”. DeepL should be used, which is much more efficient.

DeepL is a text translation tool that supports many, many languages. It automatically detects the original language and delivers you a translation in the language of your choice.

  • Downloads: 11
  • Release date : 05/17/2022
  • Author : DeepL GmbH
  • Licence : Free license
  • Categories:
    Office – Internet
  • Operating system : Android – Online service All Internet browsers – Windows – iOS iPhone / iPad – macOS

Nevertheless, the text must be reread and corrected. For example, punctuation rules in English language and in French language are different. To do this, you can go through Antidote, integrated into your browser or text editor, or even LanguageTool. The latter is a browser extension dedicated to web writing. Thus, it warns the author when the sentences are far too long.

Available on all platforms and as an extension for your web browser, LanguageTool is a free and easy-to-use spelling and grammar checker.

  • Downloads: 33
  • Release date : 05/20/2022
  • Author : OpenSource LanguageTool Community
  • Licence : Free software
  • Categories:
    Office – Education
  • Operating system : Google Chrome extension – Microsoft Edge extension – Mozilla Firefox extension – Linux – Windows – macOS

Finally, you pass your text through any plagiarism detection tool. Plagiarism Checker from Small SEO Tools or Plagiarism detector do the trick, but one of the tools that has the honors of the community is Quetext. This one is pretty thin.

The gain and the risks

The time saving of this technique – locate, isolate, analyze, spin, translate, correct – is considerable, especially those who have content farms.

Is it profitable?

Whereas if the keywords are already tagged, the production itself does not take more than 15 minutes.

Does Google penalize this technique?

No. It turns out that this is not a problem for him, since he does not consider it to be plagiarism. Moreover, if the contents are reformulated, is this really plagiarism?

What is the cost ?

Quilbot is paid, but DeepL largely does the trick in the free version. QueText offers a free option, just like the other two plagiarism detection tools mentioned above.

Can we do the opposite on the linguistic level, namely taking content in our mother tongue and translating it into another language?

It can work if you are bilingual. We cannot ignore the correction and rewriting phase, even if Quilbot and DeepL are very efficient. There will always be sentences or sentence segments that don’t make sense.

Is this technique spotted or identifiable by readers?

Yes and no. Most readers either don’t realize this or pay no attention to it. But when you are used to using this type of technique, you can clearly see which content is actually written by the author and which is the product of someone else.

Finally, the advantage of this technique is that it avoids the blank page or the lack of inspiration on certain themes.

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