Separate from Laury Thilleman, the part of a journey ignited with Cassandre

After the separation with Laury Thilleman, Juan Arbelaez a succombé au charme de Cassandre, a ravissante brune. The duo travels to Colombie, the chef is born, and celebrates the end of the year in a very hot atmosphere.

La vie amoureuse des célébrités suscite souvent un grand intérêt, et le parcours sentimental de Juan Arbelaez ne fait pas exceptional. After a separation in attendance with Laury Thilleman, il a retrouvé l’amour, illustrating the dynamique constante de la vie et des relations. Juan Arbelaez and Laury Thilleman, mariés depuis December 21, 2019, this was the ideal couple, symbolizing le bonheur parfait. Cependant, three mornings after the wedding, will announce the separation of the social partners.

This new one is a choc for nombreux admirateurs, who appreciate its simplicity and its complicity. After september from the relationship, the chemin ensemble a pris fin, laissant derrière eux des souvenirs et a histoire d’amour qui n’est désormais plus qu’un chapitre clos. The exact cause of this rupture is not revealed, but it is poured into the fire, and Juan Arbelaez has a similar retrospect of love. The official relationship with Cassandre Verdier, a 26-year-old architect, co-founder of the In Sinu Society, and part of the plus side of the city.

The suite après this publicity

Juan and Cassandre: a dance of love and travel

Juan Arbelaez and Cassandre Verdier, both discrets on the details of the rencontre, together are part of a shared passion for travel. Leur récent séjour en Colombie, terre natale de Juan, a été l’occasion de célébrer la new année. On Instagram, Juan a part of the moments of his journey, notamment of the scenes of dancing in the streets of Carthagène.

These images show the couple dancing ensemble, collés-serrés, in an ambiance festival. Leurs regards et gestures tendres envers l’autre révèlent une affection profonde et sincère. Cassandre, on his side, is not here to show his love to his friends. Leur relation semble fondée sur l’amour, les voyages, et bien sûr, la bonne cuisine. This new romance comes after a separate separation, which still contains beautiful surprises and offers new details.

Journalists actu

Fashionista in l’âme, Dora a toujours rêvé d’écrire au service de la fashion. After accompli son rêve et bien plus encore, elle se redirige vers l’actualité, qu’elle soit people, …

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