Separation yes or no: should I break up? This is how you become clear about it

Admittedly, it can be a bad sign when we ask ourselves “Should I break up?” place. But it doesn’t have to be! We’ll tell you what, if in doubt, speaks AGAINST a separation.

Should i break up? No – if it’s just a phase

The good news first: When we ask ourselves, “Should I break up?” In our relationship, it’s not always a bad sign. Even orgasm problems aren’t a compelling reason to end a relationship. We all have in our lives again and again Phases in which we feel insecure and question one thing or the other – the job, the circle of friends, the leisure activities and also the relationship.

That is completely normal and is simply part of it. After all, we continue to develop for a lifetime, there is the need for change is nothing unusual. If our: e partner: is the right one for us, our relationship will surely survive our self-discovery processes, even if there may be arguments more often in such phases.

Should i break up? Yes – if your relationship isn’t good for you

But now the bad news: Is the thought “Should I break up?” through our head over and over again, it may be Expression of a gut feeling that our relationship doesn’t make us happy. Then again, we should seriously rethink our partnership, because there is usually something to our gut feeling.

To continue a relationship without love, in which we feel uncomfortable in the long run and think of separation, fails to serve its “purpose” (good for both!) And makes you unhappy in the long term – and life is simply too good for that. In that case it’s breaking up for the benefit of both parties Definitely the right decision, even if it may feel like giving up or failing at first to end the thing and creating terrible fear.

This is how we recognize healthy relationships

Now to get clarity, why you asked the question “Should I break up?” So often haunted in your head, it is important to find out whether your: e partner: in and you basically has a healthy relationship, i.e. one that is more good for both of you than bad. And there are at least some features for that! Here are the five clearest signs that you should give your relationship another chance. It is clear that they should be based on reciprocity.

1. You can be in the presence of your partner: let yourself go and be yourself

No matter how stressful your day was and how much you had to pull yourself together to be the “strong”, “friendly” or “creative” – ​​as soon as you have only your partner around you, all tension in social life falls away you off. You don’t hold back your feelings, you don’t think about everything you say and you are who you are. Just as if you were alone, only that it is nicer with your sweetheart because you can exchange body contact (and of course have sex), talk to each other, laugh, shred and, and, and.

2. You look forward to spending time together with your partner: in – even if you have nothing special in mind

Even if you just want to hang out on Sunday: You’d rather do it with your sweetheart than without him. It makes you feel good just being around you, and you give each other space, even when you’re lying on the couch together.

3. With your partner: in you discuss everything that is on your mind, even your deepest fears and dreams

You are not embarrassed in front of your loved one, not even this one dream that you actually find quite naive and that your best friend does not know either. You just know that your partner takes you seriously and respects you. This shows itself in the way he / she teases or targets you at times.

4. You wish your sweetheart all the luck in the world

A raise in salary, a goal achieved in the gym or simply outrageously nice colleagues – something you might envy other people for and even wish for friends with only a touch of jealousy, you treat your loved one wholeheartedly. In your relationship, the principle applies: happiness shared is happiness doubled.

5. Your: e partner: in encourages you and helps you to reduce self-doubt

Your relationship is – as a rule – the safe area in your life from which you draw strength. If you are down (and the reasons are not exactly minor relationship problems or lovesickness), you can at least rely on one thing: Your: e partner: in will neither stress you nor drag you down any further. Ideally, he / she will even help you get back on your feet faster.

Do all these things sound like a dream world to you, like a fantasy of love that really doesn’t exist? You should not! If you nothing known about it occurs, please ask yourself why you are with your partner: in at all. But remember: there are one-night stands for sex, rent can be saved in shared flats, and there are other remedies against loneliness or empty nest syndrome.

If you have now come to the conclusion that you would rather end your relationship, the tips from our expert on the question “How do I break up correctly?” And here we are happy to tell you which phases of separation are likely to come your ex and you.


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