Series of fires in Kriegstetten – Two buildings are burning again in the Solothurn region – News

  • During the night of Sunday, a carpenter’s workshop and a warehouse burned in the place called Wasseramt near Kriegstetten. A farm had already burned the night before.
  • Task forces are currently fighting fires in the municipality of Obergerlafingen near Kriegstetten, as the Solothurn police confirmed to SRF.
  • Thus, the series of fires in the canton of Solothurn continues. There were no injuries.

The two fires on Sunday night were only around 300 to 500 meters apart as the crow flies, a spokesman for the Solothurn canton police confirmed. The police have not yet released any information about the cause of these two latest fires.

Previously, there had been eight fires in the district of Wasseramt since the beginning of April, also on weekends. The SRF regional journal Aargau and Solothurn has information that the police assume arson in these eight cases. In the case of the two most recent fires, however, the police are still groping in the dark as to the cause of the fire.

The fire brigades from Derendingen, Biberist and Kriegstetten are still working to put out the fires. As a precaution, in addition to the police, ambulances are also on site for reasons of caution. Fire investigators are also on the scene.

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