Serious illness – cancer drama about Gmunden’s master trainer Mirolybov

Only a few weeks after the title triumph with basketball Gmunden, coach Anton Mirolybov received a shock diagnosis.

Without ever spitting big, he led Basketball-Gmunden to the long-awaited first championship title since 2010 in the past Super League season – and has made himself immortal at the Traunsee. But now coach Anton Mirolybov has to master an even tougher path.

First chemotherapy
Only a few weeks after the triumph that was so important for all of Gmunden and Upper Austria, the 43-year-old got bad news and was diagnosed with colon cancer during an examination. The chemotherapy treatment started last week.

“Tremendous low blow”
“It is of course an enormous blow for Anton to get such a diagnosis immediately after winning the championship, he will now have many hard weeks ahead of him,” says sports director Richard Poiger. Postscript: “But we believe that with the support of all of Gmunden he can get back on his feet and pursue his passion, basketball!”

An important part of the Swans family
Which is why it was never an issue that the Traunsee basket hunters go into the new season without Mirolybov. Especially since the meticulous worker with his down-to-earth manner occupies an important place in the Swans family. “We just celebrated together, and of course the diagnosis hit us. But he will do it, he is a fighter, ”says captain Enis Murati.

“Will master this”
With his first statement after the shock diagnosis, Mirolybov underpins his mental strength: “In life you have to go through different phases, but I am positive that I can also master this situation with all the positive energy of the players, the club and all of Gmunden will!”