SES: connectivity service delivered to Mexico – 09/07/2023 at 10:12

( – SES announced on Thursday that it had delivered to Mexico its distribution solution aimed at offering connectivity services in the most isolated areas of the country.

The Luxembourg operator specifies that its mobile ‘backhaul’ solution, activated by Ka band via its very high-speed satellite SES-17, will allow 400 villages located in rural regions to have access to broadband Internet. band.

This technology will make it possible to transport nearly 2.2 Gbps of satellite capacity to hundreds of thousands of Mexican users.

SES announced in March that it had been selected by the Mexican government as part of an initiative aimed at democratizing access to high-speed Internet.

As part of the project called ‘Internet for all’, the federal authorities had selected the group with a view to deploying more than 1,100 free Wi-Fi access points in public areas.

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