Set visit at “Harry Potter”: Julia Beautx reveals her “absolute dream role”

Set visit at “Harry Potter”
Julia Beautx reveals her “absolute dream role”

Julia Beautx visiting the set with Harry Potter actor Josef Ellers.

© HP Theater Produktionsgesellschaft mbH/Patrick Sun

YouTuber and actress Julia Beautx follows in the footsteps of “Harry Potter” and reveals her “absolute dream role” in the magical universe.

YouTuber, actress and “Let’s Dance” star: Julia Beautx (25) is a real all-round talent. “I’m often asked if I’ve had myself cloned in some way,” laughs the 25-year-old during a visit to the set of the show “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”. During the Magic Weeks, which run until July 31, Beautx was able to take a look behind the scenes at the “Harry Potter” play in Hamburg’s Theater am Großmarkt. In an interview, she reveals her “absolute dream role” in the magical universe. However, the actress is keeping quiet about the eagerly awaited second season of her hit series “Yesterday We Were Still Children”: “There are rumors that it is in the planning stages.”

Dear Julia, you were allowed to take a look behind the scenes of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”. What did you experience?

Julia Beautx: I would never have thought before that the world of “It’s hard to imagine how anyone could bring “Harry Potter” from the screens to a real stage so authentically, but the show really did it. It was incredibly fascinating to be able to look behind the scenes of the theatre and especially behind some of the magic tricks performed in the show. Even if you know how some of the illusions work, it’s still totally magical and so much fun to perform them. You almost feel like you can actually do magic. My highlight, though, was riding on the Hogwarts Express. Such a cool feeling!

Since when have you been a Harry Potter fan and what do you associate with the books and films?

Beautx: I can still remember that when I was nine, I thought the “Philosopher’s Stone” was really scary and then I didn’t dare watch a “Harry Potter” film again. But when I was 13, I was a guest of a girl from my acting workshop who was a total “Harry Potter” fan. I tried it again with her and was blown away.

Which “Harry Potter” character would you like to play yourself?

Beautx: Moaning Myrtle would be my absolute dream role.

You yourself enjoyed huge success as an actress with the ZDF series “Gestern waren wir noch Kinder”. Fans have been calling for a second season for a long time. What about a sequel?

Beautx: Rumor has it that it is being planned. But I can’t tell you any more details.

You have also been seen alongside Simone Thomalla in the series “Frühling” for years. Does that leave any time for your social media career?

Beautx: I’m often asked if I’ve had myself cloned in some way and sometimes I wish that were possible. But I now have a great team that helps me to juggle everything. Otherwise none of this would be possible. I don’t want to give up anything because I absolutely love both.

Becoming a YouTuber is the big dream of many children and young people. You yourself started as a teenager. Would you advise others to pursue this career and what tips can you give to young people?

Beautx: I’m lucky that I have parents who support me in everything and always looked after me. I started very young and if I hadn’t had them, I don’t know if it would have been right. You have to take on a lot of responsibility, know exactly what to post and what not to post, and have a thick skin when you start using social media. I would recommend always doing what you enjoy, but being very careful not to share information that’s too private, because not everyone means well. You should be particularly careful at a young age. But if you do it, it’s a wonderful hobby and now it’s my absolute dream job.

Last year you were also a candidate in the show “Let’s Dance”. You ended up coming second behind Anna Ermakova. Are you still in contact with her, your dance partner Zsolt Sándor Cseke or other candidates from the show?

Beautx: A lot actually. I often write to Zsolt and we see each other when we happen to be in the same place. We’re even allowed to film together again this year and I’m really excited. I’m still good friends with Anna too. Unfortunately we’re both on the road a lot, so we’re even happier when we happen to end up in the same city.

Would you like to take part in a reality TV format? Which TV show would you be interested in?

Beautx: I do like watching reality TV sometimes, but I can’t imagine taking part in it myself. But I love challenges and battles, and so I think shows like “Beat the Star” or “The Great Bake Off” would be really cool. And I’d also like to grill Henssler.

What new projects can your fans look forward to in the next few months?

Beautx: There is a very secret project, which is why I was offline all of May. Maybe the secret will be revealed soon and in the second half of the year everyone will finally be able to see it. I’m really excited because this was really the craziest project I’ve ever done.


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