Several dead after severe storms in parts of Germany

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Several dead after severe storms in parts of Germany

Video recordings show the consequences of the constant rain.


Many municipalities warned citizens not to leave their homes. Numerous people were reported missing, the police said on Thursday.

The flooding in parts of Germany continues, especially in regions of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. According to the authorities and local media, it is still considered “extremely dangerous”. As a result, two firefighters are now dead, they died in the Märkisches Kreis during rescue operations. At least four people were killed in the Eifel in connection with the extreme weather conditions.

Rescue workers fought against the water masses during the night

Full cellars, evacuated living areas, motorists trapped by masses of water. Many municipalities warned citizens not to leave their homes. For some regions in the west and southwest of Germany, meteorologists issued severe weather warnings of the highest level on Wednesday – they warned of particularly massive continuous rain.

In the video you can see the severe devastation caused by the storm.
